The leading public opinion research firm in the Philippines.

The leading public opinion research firm in the Philippines.

Our Expertise

Using innovative methods, our reliable and rigorous research enable users to gain timely insights into public sentiments and to develop compelling responses that will resonate with their target audiences.

Our team of development researchers equip high-impact leaders and organizations with accurate data, accessible evidence, and actionable insights so they can make a difference in the communities they work with.

WRN Polling

We are first and foremost a strategic partner in conducting accurate, cost-effective, and rigorous research. We do not just provide data tables or a set of charts. We embrace the campaign goals of our client, design appropriate methods, and help them draw strategic insights from our data.

Digital Research

WRN is a pioneer of online polling, and the remarkable accuracy of our cutting-edge digital surveys in the 2022 elections has set a new standard in Philippine polling industry.

With the use of opt-in online panels, probability online panels, and/or both, we deliver precise and reliable digital surveys on a weekly basis– a total gamechanger for any campaign.

Quantitative Research

We take pride in the methodological rigor of our face-to-face surveys, empowering a growing number of national and local election campaigns. Since 2020, we have surveyed over 1 million unique Filipino voters.

And we don’t let our clients figure out the numbers on their own– WRN data scientists, statisticians, and social scientists work with campaigns intimately to provide useful advice, evidence, and insights.

Qualitative Research

We mobilize a dedicated team of experienced focus group discussion (FGD) facilitators to generate in-depth analysis of political attitudes and behavior of Filipino voters.

Our roster of researchers are sought-after voices in public conversations at home and overseas. Whether in academic outlets or popular media, we are among the most cited pollsters-researchers in the country.