The leading public opinion research firm in the Philippines.

The leading public opinion research firm in the Philippines.

Our Mission

The most successful election campaigns today require high-frequency and high-quality data translated by experts into actionable and timely insights. This is our mission, and our call to principle, at WR Numero Research (WRN).

As a leading public opinion research firm, WRN partners innovative computational, quantitative, and qualitative methodologies with our deep expertise in Philippine politics and society to transform socio-political challenges into opportunities for our clients and

WRN is a subsidiary of fully-integrated public affairs firm WRAdvisory Group.

Why We’re Different

WRN expertise is rooted in the scientific study of politics and society. We’re neither marketers nor market researchers. We are data scientists, political scientists, sociologists, and statisticians who cut our teeth mastering the attitudes and behaviors of Filipino voters. We specialize in designing public opinion research as the foundation of successful election campaign strategy.

WRN is at the forefront of innovations in research methodologies. We do not just adopt the latest method; we make our own. Our high-impact and prize-winning research continues to set new industry standards at home and abroad. Whether your success depends on mobilizing youth or rural voters or others, we bring decades of research experience in understanding your target audience.